
    An Easier Approach to Understanding the Synthetic Control Method

    An Easier Approach to Understanding the Synthetic Control Method

    Demystify marketing incrementality testing with the synthetic control method (SCM) explained through a thrilling race analogy.

    Results of my 2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

    Results of my 2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

    Sharing the results of my 2023 Marketing Analytics predictions and giving myself a grade.

    A Phased Approach to Growth Analytics Architecture

    A Phased Approach to Growth Analytics Architecture

    Measuring the impact of growth marketing is complex and a blend of art and science. Unlike other business disciplines where answers can be provided in objective manners like a trail of ledgers, product usage, and customer feedback; Answers to how growth marketing impacts the bottom line are directional, subjective, and influenced by the data on hand. Making the right decisions given the nature of growth marketing measurement lies in individual trust, experience, and the proper measurement infras..

    2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

    2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

    After a decade of maintaining the status quo, the marketing analytics field has experienced significant changes to measurement and reporting on an almost annual basis. These changes have brought new challenges to marketers forcing them to adjust strategy, tactics and budgets. The seminal moment that kick started this change was Apple’s hard stance on data privacy and uprooting not only how iOS marketing is measured but also serving as a dagger to the key revenue streams that have lifted publishe..

    Overthinking the Modern Data Stack

    Overthinking the Modern Data Stack

    The Data Analytics sector has seen immense growth since the early days of the internet. The original startup boom of the 90’s put data analytics solutions on the map and drove the advancement of database technologies. This was followed by the “Big Data” movement of the 2010’s and the current promotion of the “modern data stack”. As a data practitioner for the past decade, seeing this evolution and investment in the field has been a welcomed sight. However, I feel that most recent companies vying..

    WITH Clause

    WITH or Common Table Expressions (CTE) is a powerful SQL clause that temporarily stores results that can be referenced in other CTE's or the parent query

    How do Mobile Measurement Partners Evolve From Here?

    How do Mobile Measurement Partners Evolve From Here?

    Mobile apps and the internet are inherently different than each other despite mobile apps relying on the internet to provide much of their utility. The biggest difference between the two technologies is that the internet is an open protocol, while mobile apps are closed protocols governed by one corporation. Mobile operating systems (OS) run app stores with corporate guidelines and regulations over the types of mobile applications that can be installed on their systems. These walled gardens were..

    Coming Full Circle - The Rise and Fall of Multi-Touch Attribution

    Coming Full Circle - The Rise and Fall of Multi-Touch Attribution

    A hotly debated area of marketing analytics is multi-touch attribution modeling. Before the advent of advanced browser and device tracking during the 2010s, last-touch attribution was the standard model used to deterministically measure the impact of marketing efforts. After tracking caught up with the evolution of the internet in Web 2.0, there was a rise in tools and reporting that were capable of stitching together unique data points in a user journey to conversion which led to multi-touch at..

    SQL Clause Execution Order

    Learn about the proper syntax structure and execution order for all of the SQL clauses.

    Union Data with UNION and UNION ALL

    UNION and UNION ALL are set operators that combine results sets from multiple queries in order to aggregate and manipulate similar information.

    ORDER BY Clause

    ORDER BY is a SQL query clause that allows you to sort raw data by various combinations of data attributes.

    LIMIT / OFFSET Clauses

    LIMIT and OFFSET are SQL query clauses that allows you to limit and offset result records by the amount provided.

    HAVING Clause

    The HAVING clause in SQL acts as a filtering mechanism similar to the WHERE clause, but for grouped columns and aggregate functions.

    GROUP BY Clause

    GROUP BY is the first non-relational layer SQL query clause. It creates unique data groupings and allows for aggregations to be used.

    WHERE Clause

    WHERE is a SQL query clause that allows you to filter raw data by various combinations of data attributes.

    FROM Clause

    The FROM clause opens up your search query to accessing data tables within your database.

    SELECT Clause

    SELECT is a foundational SQL clause that is mandatory to run queries. Learn more about SELECT with the start to my series on basic SQL queries.

    Combating Marketing Analytics Measurement Paralysis

    Combating Marketing Analytics Measurement Paralysis

    Handling organizational questioning and debate by understanding the topics of deterministic vs probabilistic modeling and attribution

    Index Match

    Index Match

    Index-Match is a powerful spreadsheet lookup formula that is dynamic in nature and can handle searches regardless of a ranges directional data structure

    Creating a Day Index in Excel and Google Sheets

    Creating a Day Index in Excel and Google Sheets

    A fun challenge that I faced a few days was creating a weekday/weekend day index in Google sheets to count and index the number of weekdays/weekends in a month. This might sound like something easily achieved by placing a static value next to the date based on the preceding index value and day of the week, but the more this process has to be replicated, the more boring and tedious the task will become. This process is simply not for me as I hate manual excel work. As a result, I decided to take ..

    Better Data Reporting Practices - Benchmarks, Cell References, Notes

    Better Data Reporting Practices - Benchmarks, Cell References, Notes

    A continuation of part one, [Better Data Reporting Practices - Gridless, Grouping, Layout Direction]( Use Benchmarks This tip should be a given, but if you are not comparing your performance against some historical time series or relevant benchmark metric, then there will be no way for you to understand if your business is growing or shrinking. The decision on what type of benchmark yo..

    Better Data Reporting Practices - Gridless, Grouping, Layout Direction

    Better Data Reporting Practices - Gridless, Grouping, Layout Direction

    One of the most overlooked elements of reporting is data presentation. It is an afterthought compared to core reporting elements like data compilation and analysis largely due to its focus on aesthetics rather than computation. This focus may seem irrelevant to the general purpose of a report, which is to communicate compiled information, but if it is forgotten, then the door is left open to a communication breakdown. If this happens, then it is very likely that misinformed business decisions wi..

    Data Analysis for Copywriters

    Data Analysis for Copywriters

    Data Analysis for Copywriters [//] from Connor Phillips [//] Slide 3 * Why Does Data Matter? * Importance * Content * Data to Observe * Acquisition Data * Pageview Data * Dimensions/Metrics of Interest * SEO (Search Engine Optimization) * Data to Observe * Keyword Rankings * Backlink Data * Dimensions/Metrics of Interest * SEM (Search Engine Marketing) * Data to Observe * ..

    Essential Content Marketing Metrics and Dimensions

    Essential Content Marketing Metrics and Dimensions

    A big component of successful marketing in 2016 is having a good content strategy in place. Content strategy is the key to acquiring free users through organic search engine rankings, which is a crucial element of keeping acquisition costs down. We would all enjoy a scenario where we avoid using our checkbooks to acquire users by focusing only on driving organic channel traffic, but in reality it is not as easy as it sounds. As search engine technology has evolved into a generation filled with m..

    Stop Conducting Single Metric Data Analysis

    Stop Conducting Single Metric Data Analysis

    Running a business day in and day out is a lot of work. Each day poses a new challenge and decisions have to be made in order for the business to generate revenue and remain operational. When one part of the business veers off course everyone feels the impact and the question that appears is how was this change discovered and measured? Was it discovered from analyzing a single primary KPI metric like revenue? Or was it from careful analysis of underlying metrics that were used to determine reven..

    Syncing Google Sheets Data to Excel

    Syncing Google Sheets Data to Excel

    Google Sheets is a popular collaborative spreadsheet platform that has become a legitimate threat to Microsoft Excel’s market share over the past few years. Part of the reason why the platform has made such an unprecedented rise in a short period of time is because of its cloud-first product approach and functionality that nearly mimics Microsoft Excel. Formula names are identical, visualizations and pivot tables are possible, and programming for the platform in JavaScript makes it a breeze for ..

    Creating and Automating Google Analytics Reports in Google Sheets

    Creating and Automating Google Analytics Reports in Google Sheets

    Manually populating spreadsheets with Google Analytics data on a weekly or daily basis is a time consuming task.The typical report building format follows the uniform process of generating a custom report, exporting that data to an excel format and then pasting the values into a customized reporting format. This is a pretty common practice that results in a major waste of time and resources for companies of all sizes. In order to avoid this process and regain the time and resources that are lost..