Elastic Beanstalk - Ebextension Reverse Proxy Server Configuration
Amazon Web Services (AWS) Elastic Beanstalk software is a massive help for developers looking to launch and scale servers without having to touch the server infrastructure. This benefit has been the reason why I have used it for multiple projects, but whenever I have needed to re-configure the server for certain use cases, I have found the product and its YAML based configuration files, ebextensions, to be difficult to use with limited documentation available. This was certainly the case when I ..
Automatically Deleting Old Emails in Gmail
Our life runs on email and depending on the state of our inbox, life can be good or bad. If you achieve inbox zero with ease, then congrats, you are in the 1% of people who can sleep well at night knowing they are on top of their tasks and communication. For the rest of us, it is common to stay afloat with cluttered inboxes blending important emails and newsletters to websites we didn’t realize we opted into. I, like many, fall into this category with some of my email accounts, so a few days ago..
Using MJML's <mj-include>
Familiar with MJML? If you are not familiar, then check out my [tutorial on coding responsive emails with MJML](http://www.connorphillips.com/2016/03/08/creating-responsive-newsletters-with-the-mjml-email-framework/) before you read below. I have praised MJML in the past and I will do it again. I have yet to find a better responsive email framework and cannot even begin to count the numbers of hours that I have saved by using this platform when creating newsletters. The list of reasons why..
Creating Responsive Newsletters with the MJML Email Framework
The process of coding email newsletters sucks! You are forced to use web 1.0 code and have to abide by various platform and device standards. It isn’t a pretty process and definitely a time consuming task, but thankfully, there are groups of programmers who put in a lot of time and effort to create email frameworks that take all of the pain points out of coding an email and make it simple for anyone to take an email from to design to product. For their dedication to helping make everyone's live..
Introduction to Web Scraping for Marketers
Over the span of just a few years the digital marketing landscape has evolved into a data-crazed world filled with programmatic marketing products that are aimed at mining data and making bid adjustments based on real time cost-benefit analysis. With the advent of this type of software, businesses have flocked to purchase these solutions in order to reap the exponential lifts that the platforms promise. In some instances these decisions turn out to be a slam dunk, while in other instances the re..