The Enjoyment of Working on Passion Projects
Founder Story

The Enjoyment of Working on Passion Projects

Coming to the realization that side projects need to be passion driven. Otherwise you run the risk of burn out.

The Losers in Apple's Privacy Battle - Small E-Commerce Businesses

The Losers in Apple's Privacy Battle - Small E-Commerce Businesses

The move by Apple to regulate third party data sharing and advertising cornered publishers like Facebook and Google and will accelerate the centralization of commerce within these platforms adversely impacting e-commerce businesses.

Combating Marketing Analytics Measurement Paralysis

Combating Marketing Analytics Measurement Paralysis

Handling organizational questioning and debate by understanding the topics of deterministic vs probabilistic modeling and attribution

Productivity in Isolation

Productivity in Isolation

Fight boredom and improve your well-being during isolation by staying productive!


Index Match

Index-Match is a powerful spreadsheet lookup formula that is dynamic in nature and can handle searches regardless of a ranges directional data structure

Linking Data Between Google Sheets

How to use IMPORTRANGE, the function that allows you to import data from a separate Google Sheet.

What Are Good Foundational Google Analytics View Filters?

Prevent dirty data with view filters for ip address exclusion, path preference and hostname specification

Sync Google Analytics Data To A Google Sheet

Yes, there is a Google Sheets plugin that will allow you to run Google Analytics reports in a Google Sheet via the API call. In the supporting article I will show you how to use this tool.

Bulk Updating Cell Ranges On Various Worksheet Tabs At Once

Bulk update cell ranges across multiple worksheet tabs in Microsoft Excel


A Quiet Weekend in Downtown New York City (During Quarantine)

A video I shot and edited over the weekend of 4/3/20 - 4/5/20 capturing how quiet the streets are in downtown Manhattan during the COVID-19 quarantine. Enjoy!...