Trying out an AI Paired Programmer

Trying out an AI Paired Programmer

I recently took ChatGPT (GPT-3) for a spin as a paired programmer. The project was a simple Google Sheet extension that detected outliers for a given cell range. This felt like a good project to try out because it contained basic math, and logic that could be written natively in JavaScript, but also involved a layer of complexity with the utilization of the Google Sheets API and understanding the differences in the API’s client and server-side code. Relative to the magic shared by others from si...

A Phased Approach to Growth Analytics Architecture

A Phased Approach to Growth Analytics Architecture

Measuring the impact of growth marketing is complex and a blend of art and science. Unlike other business disciplines where answers can be provided in objective manners like a trail of ledgers, product usage, and customer feedback; Answers to how growth marketing impacts the bottom line are directional, subjective, and influenced by the data on hand. Making the right decisions given the nature of growth marketing measurement lies in individual trust, experience, and the proper measurement infras...

2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

2023 Marketing Analytics Predictions

After a decade of maintaining the status quo, the marketing analytics field has experienced significant changes to measurement and reporting on an almost annual basis. These changes have brought new challenges to marketers forcing them to adjust strategy, tactics and budgets. The seminal moment that kick started this change was Apple’s hard stance on data privacy and uprooting not only how iOS marketing is measured but also serving as a dagger to the key revenue streams that have lifted publishe...

The Missing Moat in Generative AI

The Missing Moat in Generative AI

Generative AI is having a moment just as the year wraps up. With a recent technology and crypto crash, it is a surprise to finish the year with any industry optimism. However, Generative AI has combated market pessimism with a surge of eye-catching model releases by various tech companies. With as simple as a few words entered into a text prompt, users are able to generate professional-quality images, video, and audio. This type of production quality was not possible only a year ago. It may come...

Overthinking the Modern Data Stack

Overthinking the Modern Data Stack

The Data Analytics sector has seen immense growth since the early days of the internet. The original startup boom of the 90’s put data analytics solutions on the map and drove the advancement of database technologies. This was followed by the “Big Data” movement of the 2010’s and the current promotion of the “modern data stack”. As a data practitioner for the past decade, seeing this evolution and investment in the field has been a welcomed sight. However, I feel that most recent companies vying...

Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Calculating Customer Lifetime Value (LTV)

Customer lifetime value, also known as LTV, CLV, and CLTV, is an important financial instrument that estimates the revenue you are likely to generate from a customer during their lifetime of paying for a business`s services.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and its Role in Growth Marketing

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) and its Role in Growth Marketing

If there is one metric that is always under the microscope with growth marketing, it is customer acquisition cost (CAC). CAC informs you of how much it costs to acquire one paying customer with the formula, acquisition cost / net new paying customers. It is a measurement of paid acquisition effectiveness, but effectiveness can be interpreted differently depending on the cost inputs used. Being aware of the cost inputs and how they change the story being told will help us not only understand our ...


WITH Clause

WITH or Common Table Expressions (CTE) is a powerful SQL clause that temporarily stores results that can be referenced in other CTE's or the parent query

How do Mobile Measurement Partners Evolve From Here?

How do Mobile Measurement Partners Evolve From Here?

Mobile apps and the internet are inherently different than each other despite mobile apps relying on the internet to provide much of their utility. The biggest difference between the two technologies is that the internet is an open protocol, while mobile apps are closed protocols governed by one corporation. Mobile operating systems (OS) run app stores with corporate guidelines and regulations over the types of mobile applications that can be installed on their systems. These walled gardens were...

Coming Full Circle - The Rise and Fall of Multi-Touch Attribution

Coming Full Circle - The Rise and Fall of Multi-Touch Attribution

A hotly debated area of marketing analytics is multi-touch attribution modeling. Before the advent of advanced browser and device tracking during the 2010s, last-touch attribution was the standard model used to deterministically measure the impact of marketing efforts. After tracking caught up with the evolution of the internet in Web 2.0, there was a rise in tools and reporting that were capable of stitching together unique data points in a user journey to conversion which led to multi-touch at...